International Conference on Computer Processing of Turkic Languages

Electronic Corporas

Corpus of Altay language http://altay2.gasu.ru/
Corpus of Bashkir language (poetic) http://web-corpora.net/bashcorpus/search/
Corpus of Kazakh language http://kazcorpus.kz
Corpus of Crimeantatar language http://korpus.juls.savba.sk/QIRIM/
Corpus of Kyrgyz language https://corpora.clarin-d.uni-saarland.de/cqpweb/kyrgyz_20190418/
Corpus of wtitten Tatar http://www.corpus.tatar/
Corpus of Tatar language ‘Tugan tel’ http://tugantel.tatar/
Corpus of Tuvinian language http://www.tuvancorpus.ru/
Corpus of Turkish language http://www.tnc.org.tr/
Corpus of Uzbek language http://uzbekcorpus.uz/enVer
Corpus of Khakas language http://khakas.altaica.ru/
Corpus of Shor language http://corpora.iea.ras.ru/corpora/